
To my friends near and far.

Here are my paintings and prints for you to peruse. Do get in touch and say hello if you feel like it.

It’s always good to hear from you.

If you are in West Somerset come and visit me and my studio. You might find a bargain and I will definitely make you a cup of tea!

Tel. 07979901784

You will see that I often use hand made paper to paint on. This is always made by my friends from Two Rivers Paper at East Quay in Watchet.

If a painting described as “mixed media” it means that I have had a lot of fun using all kinds of paints, spray cans, pastels, pencils, inks and torn paper to create it. I just use whatever feels right. 

If it’s described as a print it is not a reproduction but a picture made by me using some kind of hand printing method.  I probably got ink all over my hands in the process! 




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Other projects

Concertina Book

A book about memories of growing up in West Somerset

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Eco Printing

Printing on wool and silk using leaves and rust.

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Big Hangings

Ten foot hangings for a tithe barn.

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Big Paintings

Big paintings on canvas for sale

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