Come and visit me in my studio or check out my work here. Call me on 07979 901784 if you would like to arrange a visit. There’s lots of stuff to rummage through and you might easily find a bargain!
This is a project that I did with Judy Willoughby for the medeival tithe barn in Glastonbury at The Somerset Rural Life Museum.
It came about because I was asked to exhibit some work I had done previously for another exhibition but when I saw the tithe barn I decided that I wanted to make something new and big for this special space. It was quite challenging!
I made four ten foot tall hangings. They were painted on canvas using spray paint, inks, collage, mud and acrylic. I also used stencils. I’d just about got the hang of it by the third one!
Love being outdoors. Love colour. Happy art!

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